An Exciting Announcement: I'm Writing a Book!
I’ve been dreaming of writing this post for a while now…
Perhaps you’ve already guessed that you have been reading my notes for my next book.
And now, that book has found a home at Penguin Life in the U.S. and Viking in the U.K.!
More about the book
“Noteworthy,” the book, inverts Noted’s usual structure. As you know, in this newsletter, I focus on celebrated peoples’ notes and then extract lessons from them in the “Notes on Notes” section. The book will move the practical aspects to the center stage, using notable figures as examples of effective methods. I’m also adding in a survey of scientific studies and a suite of new interviews with great contemporary note-takers, as well as new note-taking exercises.
My greatest hope for the book is that it will be useful! I’m dreaming of a book that will be earmarked, written all over, and highlighted. In other words, I’m hoping this is the kind of book that will make you want to take notes!
A Note on the Process
Surprisingly, selling “Noteworthy” was easier than I expected. Part of this is owing to my talented agent, Laurie Abkemeier. Also, this process would not have unfolded in the way it did without Substack. Not only did this newsletter help structure my research and writing, it introduced me to an audience I never would have dreamed of.
The whole process was significantly easier because of you—because I have what’s called a “platform”—a group of people who want to read what I write and have invited me into their inboxes.
So, thank you, I couldn’t have done this without you.
And now for the exciting part: I get to spend the next 18 months writing the book! I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me, and I’ll share notes and insights from the process as I go along.
For now, I just want to share my gratitude. Thank you for coming along on this ride with me.
Yours in Note-Taking,
Congrats!!! As soon as that pre-order link drops, I’m buying! 😍😍💗💗💗
Brava, dear friend! ❤️❤️❤️ I cannot wait to interview you!