Congrats again on your 2 year anniversary! This post was so inspiring and I'm honored to have been featured.

I love seeing how people organize their commonplace books! I'm sure my practice will change overtime but I'm grateful to have had you be one of the reasons I started mine.

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Victoria! You know, I've wanted to feature you for a while now. Very glad it finally happened! Your note-taking practice is so special because there is so much love behind it!

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I knew this would be THE most fabulous post (and I am thrilled that it will be a series) but I did not imagine I would find it so daunting. My motley collection of books and scribbles is … I have no words for how paltry it appears beside these masters of the craft of notetaking. I’m in awe of Matt Long and his list of books read … and I have discovered (and subscribed to) Nishad. A fine collection. Here’s to many more.

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Ah, I did worry that this post might feel intimidating. My notes also feel paltry by comparison. I'm used to spending time studying amazing note-takers, and I've learned to accept that my process is my own. It works for me--which is the most important thing.

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I wish mine was ‘a process’ … I’m using it as a nudge to improve my approach, which is always a good thing. Love the compilation.

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I'm biased, but I'd consider that part of a process ;)

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...the books read... I suspect he may need a separate journal just for these!! I keep similar lists - fiction read, non-fiction read, and audible books listened to in each of my (now yearly) journals. Then I photocopy it and keep the yearly lists in a file folder. You're right, a fabulous post and I was very honored to be included.

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Your handwriting is lovely … and I love all the ink colours! The da Vinci thought bubbles are fab!

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Wow, the variety of styles and ideas is amazing! How wonderful to be included in the amazing group. Thanks for sharing this with us Jillian.

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Thanks for offering your practice to us, Matthew! It was such a pleasure to learn about your work!

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Kudos on this impressive milestone — and in your generous and insightful curation. I was at first intimidated by the more elaborate ones — especially since I’m not even remotely inclined towards sketching or artwork — but looking at these as a whole was totally liberating because each system must clearly work for just one person, not for me. I use my own indexing system and, like Nishad, I am inclined to cut out images and excerpts from magazines and tape them into my journal. Or if it’s not something I want to cut out, I make a copy on my home copier and use that. My “system” has changed and evolved over time, and I’m thrilled to get a glimpse of how others do theirs.

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I'm so glad you were able to see the big picture! Yes-some of these note-takers are ridiculously talented, but I love your larger point: we all need to find a method that works for us!

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This is such a brilliant curation — feeling very honoured to be included in this group. Thank you for giving us the space and allowing us to learn from one another, Jillian.

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Thank you for sharing your work with us! It pained me not to be able to include all of your beautiful explanations, but I hope the teaser will introduce more people to your fascinating mind.

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Congratulations 🌺 Thank you for this post and collection; I've already been following some, but there are new creators for me! I love notebooks and sketchbooks! I'm currently stocking up on new Hobonichi.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

Oooo! One day I'm going to try a Hobonichi! For my planner this year, I decided to go with Leuchtturm1917. But Hobonichis are just exquisite.

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Congratulations on your 2nd Stackiversary, Jillian! 🎉

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Thanks, Jolene! And thank you for being a supporter from the early days--back when I really, really needed the encouragement to keep going.

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I enjoyed seeing how others organize or create their books. I must confess to being a bit envious of the artsy ones since I can only draw a stick figure! I got some good ideas for expanding my own practice , though. Thanks, Jillian!

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I'm envious of the artistic notes too! But I love that this collection gave you ideas for your own practice. That was the whole point!

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Sep 2Liked by Jillian Hess

Congratulations on two years of Noted, and here's to many more to come! And a massive thank you for including my work among so many fantastic note-takers and all their marvellously contrasting and converging and evolving practices.

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Thank you, Ed, for sharing your note-taking practice with us! Really--it's a marvel.

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Happy anniversary to Noted! 🎂💛 so inspired by the many types of illustrated notes there are - really loved Ed Barrett!

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Thank you, Sabrina! I'm so glad Substack brought us together! 💛

And, Ed's stuff just blows me away! I can't even approach that level of talent.

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Sep 2Liked by Jillian Hess

Jillian, thank you so much! It’s just practise/ obsession. But seriously, thank you - you’re one of my favourite curators, and you get to see so many incredible notebooks, so for you to say that just makes me like 🤩🤩🤩

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

Yours really resonated with me because I've been through a Ph.D. program, and I know how important it is to continue to find delight in subject matter that can suddenly become very stressful. And, thanks for your kind words about Noted :)

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Thank you very much again! You understand how it is - it got very tough at times, but part of the fun (and satisfaction) was being able to fill these books. Cheers!

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Sep 2Liked by Jillian Hess

Thank you very much, Sabrina! I’m having a look at your Substack now and I’m very intrigued.

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Sabrina's writing feels like a sanctuary! I'm excited you'll get to experience it, Ed!

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Jillian Hess

Thank you so much for featuring my digital commonplace book! I started it out of necessity (it's easier to type than write) but it's been fun to steadily organize my collection of quotes and passages over the years. And this gave me a good excuse to clean it up to be presentable to the world 😀.

Congratulations on the two-year anniversary. This has been one of my favorite Substacks since day 1 so it's an honor to be part of your milestone.

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That's so nice to hear, Chris! And, thank you for agreeing to share your commonplace book with us! I was so happy to be able to include it!

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It's so cool that you use Notion for your commonplace book! I do too, and I loooove the flexibility that Notion has given me. I have a post on my Substack about it if you feel like nerding out on more Notion! https://writingbeyondthepage.substack.com/p/the-digital-commonplace-book-that

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Thanks Kim! On Writing is one of my favorite books too. I love that quote.

Really interesting how you use the chart to categorize quotes. That's another great way of doing it!

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Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all your inspiring posts!

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Thank you!

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Sep 2Liked by Jillian Hess

Oh my god this post! I would love to see more of the shared notebooks sometime. I am so inspired and amazed at the variety and creativity.

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That's so good to hear!!

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Sep 5Liked by Jillian Hess

Looking at all these photos of peoples notes made me so happy!

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Me too!

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Sep 5Liked by Jillian Hess

I also organize using Notion! So curious how others work across digital and analog formats. I keep analog for fun, but to reference, digital is easier. 💗

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Sep 4Liked by Jillian Hess

Huge congrats, Jillian! Such a wonderful space you have built here.

Sorry I've been a bit absent down in the comments of late, but I am still here, reading each week, though sadly often late because my inbox and life seem to have other plans currently. Anyway, the point is, it's been so wonderful to see your substack grow and learn so much from the people and notes you have profiled. I've said this before, but you inspired me to actually start keeping a daily notebook. :)

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Hi Nathan! I know how work and life gets in the way (trust me)! Of course, I'm always happy to see you in the comments. I'm so thankful we've gotten to meet virtually via Substack! And, I'm always so honored to hear that I helped you start a notebook habit! That just makes me so, so happy. I hope your semester is starting off well.

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Sep 5Liked by Jillian Hess

Thanks Jillian! Same to you. It's week 7 of 12 here, so things are well underway. I'm teaching into a new unit in weeks 9-12, so I'm currently feeling woefully underprepared!

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Ooof -- week 7 always feels like a tough point in the term. Still, I have complete faith in you, Nathan!

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Sep 5Liked by Jillian Hess

Hehe, yeah, definitely the hump. I'm very much looking forward to cooling off come the end of October.

Appreciate the faith ;)

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