As a fellow Emersonphile, I loved this post! This summer I began working through my Library of America edition of his lectures and essays again. His lecture on friendship, along with a few other things, are making their way into a soon-to-be published post.

My favorite Emerson quote is the one I used as the epigraph for my haiku comics collection, Wild Divinity (whose very existence is the culmination of a practically life long love of Emerson):

The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.


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Such a wonderful quote! And can't wait to read more about Emerson in your writing.

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I've been writing "me" when I add thoughts to things I'm reading. I like Emerson's idea and use of a symbol, so as of today, I will begin with a symbol that symbolizes me! A couple of my favorite from my 79 Emerson quotes

~A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages.
 Ralph Waldo Emerson

~Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions all life is an experience.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

~ We but half express ourselves
 and are ashamed of that divine idea that each of us represents. 
Emerson [so true]

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These quotes are so good!

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I also use "ME:" Although I too prefer the symbol, because me feels sometimes too egotistical. What symbol did you pick?

I'm thinking I could use my initials BR because they make a really nice symbol when written fast in cursive.

Also love these quotes you chose!

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I love the idea of giving my journals aspirational titles.

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Me too!

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" Make your own Bible ". Don't tell your Protestant Evangelical relatives about it. 😏😏

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This made me laugh.

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Late as I am, today I finally cracked the new notebook I bought for the purpose of keeping quotations, words, &c all in one (paper, common) place. For many years, I've been stashing them in files and note apps on my computers and phone. I'v compiled them and will transcribe all of those that still speak to me— and continue with new ones, of course.

I've inscribed Emerson’s exhortation to 'Make your own Bible' on page one. Thank you for CPC!

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I love it! 💛

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jillian Hess

I am currently reading the book "Finding Margaret Fuller" a fictionalized account of the connections between the Transcendentalists. Emerson features prominently and although I know it is an imagined accounting, I am loving it!

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Oh, I bet! They had quite an interesting relationship.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jillian Hess

We need a movie! Seems like T. Chalmalet would make an excellent Hawthorne! 😂

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I would pay to see that movie!

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We NEED it! Ha

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Wonderful post! Love the idea of making your own Bible!

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Me too!

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Making your own bible, love it

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Me too💛

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I had recently added the "Make your own Bible..." to my collection of quotes to be saved. Reading a biography of Walden took me back to Emerson. Good company indeed.

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One day I’ll get to write about Thoreau’s notes too.

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Thank you for this. And I did write down Emerson's quote in my notebook, "Make your own Bible... but I just had to, at the end add (& George & Ringo) :)

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I love that! Of course we should choose our own heroes.

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Love this idea. The quote I opened my personal bible with a few years ago is still one of my favourites: “my country is the world, and my religion is to do good” - Thomas Paine

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Writing like this was why they called him "The Sage of Concord".

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